There are two kinds of waveguide corner, one turns in E plane, the other turns in H plane.
Figure 1 is the model of the E plane waveguide corner. The size of the waveguide is 14.5mm x 9.525mm.
Figure 1. The model of the E plane waveguide corner |
I set a variable r1 in the CST and watch the S11 when the variable changes. The r1 is the inner radius of the corner. See figure 2.
Figure 2. The inner radius of corner |
I also compare the round corner with the triangular corner. The model of the triangular corner is shown in figure 3.
Figure 3. The E plane triangular waveguide corner |
I use the parameters sweep function in the CST to simulate the S11 which is related to the radius r1. The frequency range is from 10GHz to 15GHz. The results of the simulation is in figure 4. The worst one is the triangular corner, the dash line. And the S11 will be better when r1 increases until r1 is larger than 8mm.
Figure 4. The S11 of the E plane corner |
The results of the H plane waveguide corner is similar. The figure 5 is the model and figure 6 is the S11.
Figure 5. The model of the H plane waveguide corner |
Figure 6. The S11 of the H plane corner |
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