
Jun 11, 2011

How to setup a web server on Fedora 15 with Apache+MySQL+PHP (LAMP)

It had been three years since I first knew Linux. I had tried several different distributions like Ubuntu, Fedora and OpenSUSE, but I didn't have enough time to learn it in depth.

Now I have a plan to learn more about linux (Fedora), such as setting up a web server, starting a FTP server, doing some development, etc.

I had setup a web server successfully recently. The methods are as follows (my system is Fedora 15, there are some differences in other systems):

Firstly, install Apache, MySQL and PHP, run follow commands:
$ su
# yum install mysql-server httpd php
Now, you should have necessary packages installed. After installed, you must set a password for mysql root usr:
$ su
# systemctl start mysqld.service
# mysqladmin -u root password PASSOWRD_HERE
To run the apache and mysql services, enter the following in terminal. This should be done each time you want to use.
$ su
# systemctl restart mysqld.service
# systemctl restart httpd.service
The web server directory is "/var/www/html/". If you want the services to start with your OS, run the follows:

$ su
# systemctl enable mysqld.service
# systemctl enable httpd.service
At last, you must check the firewall to confirm the port 80 is open.

After all the above are done, open your browser and visit, you can see a test page:

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